my thought: Hello Friends

Friday, January 14, 2011


Beauty is a valuable in our image-obsessed society.
A recent survey reveals that only 6% of women aged
18 to 64 were very satisfied with their looks. It means
94% of women are critical of their appearance.The
question is - how this gender becomes so obsessed with
their physical appearance.Why do women obsess about
their shapes?Are we hell-bent on perfection or smitten
with totally unrealistic ideas about beauty.
      Will we ever change our concepts of beauty?


  1. Beauty doesn’t exist in things; beauty is a projection. Beauty is not objective; it is subjective. So one day somebody looks beautiful, another day the same person becomes ugly. It is you who projects, it is you who withdraws, the other works just as a screen. Once you come to know that the mind projects beauty and ugliness, that the mind projects good and bad, you stop projecting. Then for the first time you come to know what objective reality is. It is neither good nor bad, it is neither beautiful nor ugly; it simply is. All your interpretations drop with the projections.

  2. The feminine mind is basically receptive, and the masculine mind is basically aggressive. The feminine mind is inward-going, and the masculine mind is outward-going. The inward-going mind can grow into grace very easily. Hence the woman has a natural grace, a natural beauty, a natural roundness, a certain sweet aura around her. If she becomes more aware, her grace deepens. If she becomes more aware, she becomes pure grace.
    Choudhary NK

  3. Clothes help you immensely to hide your body. Man has lost his natural beauty, agility, and that’s why he had to discover clothes. It is very strange: if your naked body is brought before you, or just a photograph of your naked body is brought before you, you will not be able to recognize that it is your body. People are recognizable only by their faces; the whole body is ignored. And through clothes you can create the illusion of beauty. You can hide the ugly parts and you can expose the beautiful parts; you can emphasize the beautiful parts.

  4. Whenever you see a beautiful person, it simply hints, it simply gives you an indication, that behind it there is some unknown beauty hiding. That’s why a beautiful body attracts — it is natural; a beautiful flower attracts — it is natural; because it is simply an indication, a natural indication, an invitation, that something beautiful is hidden behind. Come, investigate me. Come. the beautiful body attracts because of the beautiful soul: you attain to a beautiful body if you attain to a beautiful soul — it is not just coincidence; it is not chance. The more beautiful you become inside, the more beautiful you become on the outside also. If a very ugly body becomes more and more deeply involved in meditation, you will suddenly see the ugliness changing, and behind the ugliness, beauty being expressed more and more. Once the innermost core becomes beautiful, the outer periphery follows it.
